Human Rights

Human Rights Management and Commitment

Advantech has formulated the "Advantech Human Rights Policy and Commitment", which was reviewed and approved by top management, to protect the fundamental human rights of all employees, suppliers, customers and stakeholders. We consider the international human rights framework, corporate development strategies and external trends, including "Universal Declaration of Human Rights," the "United Nations Global Compact," and the International Labour Organization's "Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work." We comply with the laws and regulations of the locations in which the Company operates, and we formulate human rights policies in accordance with the "United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights."

Advantech also has a human rights risk investigation process, which involves regular assessments and management improvements for identified areas of concern. The process entails the selection of relevant risk topics (including "Human Rights Risks") by Audit Committees. Risk ratings are reviewed for each issue, and high-risk groups are identified for appropriate management. No cases of discrimination or harassment complaints were reported in 2022. Additionally, Advantech employees must adhere to the "Advantech Business Conduct," which encompasses labor standards, humane treatment, prohibition of child labor, and non-discrimination against employees. It strictly prohibits any form of discrimination or violation of human rights. To ensure employees' understanding and compliance with these policies, the company conducts annual education and training on the Code of Integrity Management and legal compliance. This training includes providing employees with proper channels for reporting and disciplinary actions while ensuring the confidentiality of whistleblowers' identities and reported content. In 2022, the education and training coverage rate for the "Advantech Code of Ethics and Business Conduct" was 100% for indirect employees, with a training completion rate of 96.8% (5,627 indirect global employees). In cases where employees still need to complete the training, the system notifies them and their line managers at the beginning of each month, prompting the managers to ensure their direct reports complete the training promptly. Additionally, the Advantech Taiwan Manufacturing Center (factory) conducts mandatory education and training sessions on the “Advantech Business Conduct,” which covers non-discrimination and anti-harassment topics, with a coverage rate of 100% for direct employees.

Freedom of Association

We support various employee self-organized associations and trade union activities at different levels in each region. (For example, Advantech's branches in Germany, the Netherlands, and Japan all have labor unions, and our branch in Japan and France also h as labor representatives) promoting equal rights and interests of employees everywhere. In 2022, Advantech's global coverage of freedom of association has reached 88.8%.

In Europe, Advantech Germany (Advantech Europe B.V. and Advantech GmbH.) and Advantech Netherlands have worker councils initiated by employees. These councils, consisting of elected representatives, engage in regular labor-management meetings with the company to discuss employee-related matters. Similarly, Advantech France regularly elects labor representatives who voice employee concerns and participate in labor-management meetings.

In Asia, all Advantech employees in Japan have the freedom to form voluntary associations. Advantech Technologies Japan Corp. has established a union organization, and Advantech Japan Co., Ltd. regularly elects labor representatives who advocate for employee-related issues and participate in labor-management meetings. In China (including the manufacturing facilities), employee welfare committees serve as representatives to discuss and decide on employee welfare matters. Advantech Headquarters also has organized and operates an Employee Welfare Committee. In addition, the areas where the Headquarters locates (Ruiguang headquarter, Taipei Sunny Building, Donghu and Linkou factories) hold regular labor-management meetings on a quarterly basis to communicate issues of labor rights and interests (including salaries, attendance and benefits, etc.), listen to the voices of colleagues, and discuss and make decisions on key issues.

Advantech hopes to minimize human rights conflicts. Therefore, the following management measures are implemented among employees, suppliers and customers; we publicly disclose the relevant methods. After investigation, Advantech currently has no operation or suppliers face the risk of freedom of association and group negotiation.

Whistle-blowing and Grievance Mechanisms

Since 2015, Advantech has formulated the "Prevention Plan for Prevention of Unlawful Acts against Executing Duties" based on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines of the Ministry of Labor. This plan aims to prevent employees from experiencing unlawful acts by employers, supervisors, colleagues, or service recipients in the workplace or during work-related activities (including commuting), which may result in physical or mental harm, such as workplace violence, including physical, verbal, psychological, or sexual harassment.

Complaint Mechanism: When employees encounter incidents of physical or mental unlawful acts while executing their duties, they should complete the "Workplace Unlawful Acts Reporting and Handling Form" and report it to their respective supervisors (or the HR department). Alternatively, they can use the complaint channels established on the company's internal website's policy page (phone, fax, email) for reporting, and dedicated personnel will handle the complaints.

Handling of Reports: Handling complaints or reports must ensure objectivity, fairness, and impartiality while safeguarding the rights and privacy of victims, complainants, and reporters. Upon receiving a report, supervisors, HR personnel, and occupational safety personnel must complete the "Workplace Unlawful Acts Reporting and Handling Form" within 24 hours. The process follows the procedures outlined in the "Handling Process for Incidents of Physical or Mental Unlawful Acts against Executing Duties".

Process and mechanism of human rights management

 Process and mechanism of human rights management

Reporting and Appealing Mechanism

 Reporting and Appealing Mechanism